Washington Township
Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania​​
Board of Supervisors: Richard Gardner, Joe Olszewski, Matt Thornton​
Washington Township
Washington Township is surrounded by Oklahoma Boro and Allegheny Township to the north, Upper Burrell Township to the west, Bell Township to the east, Murrysville and Salem Township to the south, and Beaver Run Reservoir runs along the entire eastern boundary.
Washington Township was founded in 1789, from Salem Township, there were 2 villages established, North Washington and Poke Run. They were established at the junctions of the best established roads of the time. The census of 1790 showed 134 households with a population of 705, but it must be remembered that this included what was to be five townships. Allegheny Township, which included what was later Lower Burrell and Upper Burrell Twp., was erected from Washington in 1796. Bell was erected in 1853, primarily from Washington.​
By 1820, North Washington was developing into a commercial center, and was partially laid out in lots, and was being referred to as a town.
The first post office in the township was established there on April 6, 1827. The North Washington Post Office was discontinued April 15, 1905 in favor of rural delivery.
The village of Mamont was originally called Poke Run, as was the Post Office that was established there on February 20,1839. On April 20, 1859, the name was changed to Oakland Crossroads. In later years this led to mail being sent to Oakland area of Pittsburgh by mistake.
The abundant supply of coal in the township was also tapped during the last half of the nineteenth century, and many men found employment in the local mines. Deep mining was done under most of the township, and the land near Beaver Run was being strip mined.
- The Township is named after George Washington, and has an area of 30.8 square miles.
Fort Hand was the stockade built about the time of the American Revolution and was located near the present Kunkle Park. For more information about Fort Hand, visit the Daughters of the American Revolution website.
2010 Census - 7,422 residents, of those 7,293 are white, 54 are African American, 18 are Asian, 6 American Indian & Alaska native, 3 Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander, and 48 other. There are 3,650 males and 3,772 females in the Township. 6,079 residents are over the age of 18 and 1,343 are under 18 years of age. Additional information may be obtained below.
- Township property tax- 12 mills, Westmoreland County property tax- 20.99 mills, local wage tax- 1 percent
- The average assessment in Washington Township is $20,400.96 , this results in a total property tax paid of $1809.36. This amount gets distributed as follows
Kiski Area School District - $1279.14
Westmoreland County - $346.61
Washington Township -$163.21

Local Earned Income Taxes
The local Earned Income Tax Collector is Berkheimer who may be reached by phone: 1-800-360-3075, or 412-881-3075 during the hours of 9:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday, or they may be reached at the Berkheimer website: http://www.hab-inc.com
The current local income tax rate for Washington Township is 1%
The Local Tax Enabling Act (LTEA), also known as "Act 511" identifies the Washington Township Municipality/Kiski Area School District with the code 02084.
The Westmoreland County Act 32 PSD code for Washington Township is 650909.
Washington Township Tax Office
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All property owners are taxed in accordance with the assessed value placed on their properties by the Tax Assessment Office of Westmoreland County. The assessed value is multiplied by the millage rate which is established every year by the taxing bodies to determine the tax due. Washington Township and Westmoreland County taxes are billed together and are based on the calendar year while Kiski Area School District operates on a fiscal year which runs July 1 – June 30.
All real estate taxes are payable to Washington Township Tax Office for the year in which they were levied, by December 31. After that date, taxes must be paid to the Tax Claim Bureau at the Westmoreland County Courthouse.
Those residents who are 65 or older, a widow or widower age 50-64, or permanently disabled age 18-64, and meet the income requirements, may be eligible for a property tax or rent rebate. Forms are available at the tax office.
Ann Marie Getty, Tax Collector - 287 Pine Run Church Road, Apollo, PA 15613
Phone: 724-727-3521 Fax: 724-727-3905
Office Hours: 9 am to 3 pm Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and by appointment.
Real Estate Tax
Per Capita Tax
All residents over 18 years of age are liable for this tax which is levied by Kiski Area School District. Per Capita Tax has no connection with employment, income or any other factor except residence within the municipality.
2010 Census
Population of Washington Township

Housing Status (in housing units unless noted)