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Washington Township Tax Office

Ann Marie Getty, Tax Collector

287 Pine Run Church Road, Apollo, PA  15613

Phone:  724-727-3521  •  Fax:  724-727-3905


Office hours:  9 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday or by appointment.




All property owners are taxed in accordance with the assessed value placed on their properties by the Tax Assessment Office of Westmoreland County.  The assessed value is multiplied by the millage rate which is established every year by the taxing bodies to determine the tax due.  Washington Township and Westmoreland County taxes are billed together and are based on the calendar year while Kiski Area School District operates on a fiscal year which runs July 1 – June 30.

All real estate taxes are payable to Washington Township Tax Office for the year in which they were levied, by December 31.  After that date, taxes must be paid to the Tax Claim Bureau at the Westmoreland County Courthouse.

Those residents who are 65 or older, a widow or widower age 50-64, or permanently disabled age 18-64, and meet the income requirements, may be eligible for a property tax or rent rebate.  Forms are available on the Department of Revenue website:  (



All residents over 18 years of age are liable for this tax which is levied by Kiski Area School District.  Per Capita Tax has no connection with employment, income or any other factor except residence within the municipality.  It is billed and collected by Berkheimer Tax Administration Services.


County & Township Real Estate Tax

Discount Period – April 30

Face Period – June 30

School Real estate Tax

Discount Period – September 30

Face Period – November 30


If you have any questions regarding earned income tax or per capita, please contact:

Berkheimer Tax Administrator

403 South 3rd Street, 2nd Floor, Suite B

Youngwood, PA  15697 


Berkheimer - General Phone Number:  610-599-3139

Per Capita Tax - 610-599-3141

Earned Income Tax Current - 1-866-701-7206

Local Service Tax 610-599-3142

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